Creating a Culture of Excellence
All organisations have a culture regardless of whether you focus on it or not. So, is the culture you have in your organisation, one that you have intentionally and deliberating nurtured or is it the one that you just got by default?
As a senior leadership team, have you been discussing something about your workplace culture that you think needs to be different or be better?
True culture change requires serious work and commitment from the leaders at the top. If it’s work you are going to embark on, it needs to sit as one of the vital few strategic initiatives for your organisation.
But before you embark on this journey, there are some fundamentals that need to be in place – there are some solid foundations that will help make any culture change achievable.
About the Programme
This programme approaches culture by understanding the three key areas required as foundations to any initiatives you do in this space.
We look at the how the current senior leadership team are playing their individual and collective inner game to determine how this will support or stifle the desired culture
Next we take a look at the current strategic plan and how this is being integrated into the everyday work. Is there clarity around what is going to be done, by when and by whom. We also look at how effectively this is folded into the ‘business as usual’ activities.
Checking in on how you currently develop and support teams and team based activity is next. Are your leaders equipped with the tools they need to create winning teams and achieve results and does this line up with culture you are wanting to create?
Target Audience
This programme will benefit executive and senior teams who are the custodians of the culture of the organisation.
Culture is a complex business, so to find out more, let’s chat so we can discuss the best approach and plan based off your current organisations needs.