Ready, Aim ..., Release!
Ready, Aim …, Release!
It was Mahatma Gandhi who said:
“your future depends on what you do today”
As a leader, having clarity, focus and taking action, means you are ten times more likely to achieve better results, faster. Be the leader you have always wanted to be and inspire other people in the process! Who doesn’t want to achieve that!
Common leadership challenges
Some of the biggest issues that leaders face today are burnout, stress, and overwhelm. Leaders have so much to do with limited resources and that is being challenged even more in the current Covid-19 environment. Leaders are having to navigate complexities with technology, manage virtual and remote teams that span multiple generations and all in an incredibly volatile economy.
Leaders have been telling me that some of the challenges they are dealing with now are:
I need to achieve more with less.
I need my team to be focused and on the same page – now more than ever.
I need to keep my team focused on the things that matter now, and in some cases, that is a little (or a lot!) different from what we were focused on four weeks ago.
Some leaders have even been brave enough to mention that they are questioning whether they are cut out for this leadership gig.
It’s often from this place of overwhelm, stress, or anxiety that we can lose our perspective, and this had been amplified due to the crazy year we had in 2020 but also the uncertainty that we still face now. So, we know things are uncertain, they have been for a while now and I’ve been thinking more about how we get to the place of feeling like we’ve got our leadership ‘mojo’ back. Especially because we know, deep down, that the way we use to do stuff, is not going to be the way we will do things in the future. How can we start to see through the fog and get some clarity about the way forward? How can we get ourselves (and our teams and businesses) out of survival mode and move forward on the path of revival and ultimately be thriving again?
Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash
Tips to achieve results
Here are some ideas on what you can do to achieve the results you want:
Gain clarity around what is important for you, your people and your business at this time. Think out over the next three, six and 12 months – do some scenario thinking with real clarity.
Apply focus to the key three things that need to get done over the next one to three months. When we look at the whole picture it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Just focus on the immediate future with the long game in mind.
Take massive action on those priorities. This is where the rubber hits the road. We have to get out of thinking mode and into doing mode. What’s one thing you could do today to get you on your path? As Tony Robbins says “it is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” What will you decide today?
It’s a bit like becoming a formidable Archer – you know the ones, they seem to hit the bulls-eye every time. When we watch an outstanding archer in action, they make it look so easy and effortless. The reality is, they have become masterful at what they do because they are constantly taking action to become better. It’s a rinse and repeat exercise for them and they know they are playing the long game. They understand that the more clarity they have around what they need to do; the more focus they apply to the things that matter the most now, and by taking consistent action on those things – then they will be at the top of their game.
So, what will your next one to three months be like if you look through the lens of clarity, focus, and action? What about the next one to two years? If you would like to explore achieving more then we should chat, contact details below.
Lead with Impact,