Having Conviction
(Image from Pixabay)
Having Conviction
"Strong convictions precede great actions"
James Freeman Clarke
Having conviction isn't always as easy as it sounds. To have the impact we ultimately want often means having curiosity, courage, and confidence. Let's take a closer look at this trio to understand how they assist us in building firmer conviction to achieve our goals and outcomes.
People who know me recognise that curiosity is my most favourite state. Genuine curiosity stops us from falling into the trap of being defensive and judgemental. And frankly, those behaviours mean we are playing a pretty small game.
Think about going into a high-stake influencing conversation, for example. When we are completely wedded to our own outcome, we are closed off to what others are saying (and even what they are not saying). We won't notice any of those social or political cues because we are so focused on ourselves. We won't pick up what is going on for the other person.
But, if we go into that conversation curious about what the other person thinks, we will be more open to picking up the non-verbal cues and in a far better position to ask questions that will keep the conversation alive.
We also want to be curious about where we are heading. What is in store for us? What does the future hold?
Don't put limits or talk yourself out of something before you have allowed yourself to dream big. Be super curious about all the different avenues you could explore.
Practice being curious more often - truly curious, that is, or you run the risk of coming off as inauthentic, and people can smell that a mile away!
(Image from Pixabay)
Courage is being brave enough to take that next step. It's about not settling when we know we have so much more within. It is about deciding and committing to being the person - the leader - you have the opportunity to be.
Courage is not about letting someone else decide what you are capable of. That's your decision to make. Make it boldly.
Back yourself and know that you already have everything within you to be successful. You've got this.
Most importantly, courage is about following through - even when things get tough. It takes courage to persevere. Giving up is easy, but fulfilment is never on the other side of giving up. Remember, there's always a way - you just have to want it badly enough. Be prepared to take that next step or that one action today that will keep you focused on your journey.
As Brené Brown said, "When we have the courage to walk into our story and own it, we get to write the ending. And, when we don't own our stories of failure, setbacks, and hurt - they own us." So lean in, own your story and be the best leader you can be.
When we are genuinely curious and permit ourselves to be courageous, we naturally build more self-confidence.
Success is constant reinforcement that we are worthy, good at what we do, and have something valuable to offer.
Remember, if you don't hold the belief and the confidence that you have got this, then team up with someone who will support you through your journey. They can hold the belief until you are ready to take responsibility for it yourself.
I have done this many times through a careful selection of coaches and mentors. There have been times when these amazing people held the belief for me until I could do so for myself. It is hugely valuable to have someone in your corner who will keep you focused on what matters and support you in your journey. Your journey doesn't have to be hard, and you don't have to tackle it on your own. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Need some help
If you would like to have more conviction to help you achieve the goals and outcomes you want, we should chat.
Alternatively, you could grab a copy of my book Inside Out: Why Leadership Starts With You.
Something to think about ….
Lead with impact!